
Neuendorf (Puerto Rico) Update – March 2022

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Let us ever walk with Jesus,
Follow His example pure, 
Through a world that would deceive us,
And to sin our spirits lure,
Onward in His footsteps treading,

Pilgrims here, our home above,
Full of faith and hope and love,
Let us do the Father’s bidding.
Faithful Lord, with me abide; 
I shall follow where you guide. 

Let us Ever Walk with Jesus LSB #685

As our outreach activities at the Casa de Amparo continue to grow, we have begun to see those who have become regular visitors start inviting others to join us, especially for our Friday fellowship and devotional activities. This month we had an opportunity to witness a beautiful picture of the fellowship in Christ that we are aiming to build here. 

One of our new visitors is a woman who is very reserved, and it seems like although she really appreciates and enjoys the gathering of people, it may be a bit intimidating to be a part of the group. Angela, the young girl with autism whom I baptized after the earthquakes, has taken to a new habit during fellowship activities of walking up to people who are around and holding their hand. Her mother says this is something completely new for her, and that she must clearly understand the people at the church as a part of her family. 

Seeing the new visitor sitting off by herself, Angela walked up to her and grabbed her by the hand to lead her to where the rest of the community was gathered. Several of us saw her do this and were struck by what a beautiful picture it was of how the body of Christ is gathered up to Christ. 

The Lord sees us where we are and comes in the hands and the feet of His children, to gather us to the rest of the body, to walk with each other as we walk with Him. This was a beautiful image of an even more beautiful truth, the Lord is at work to gather all His children to Himself.

A big thank you to Concordia University Nebraska for sending a team of students and professors to help us continue painting and fixing up the grounds of Fuente de Vida. One of the main focuses was to paint the parking lot, which seems like not a big deal, but for a good number of people who come to church, this is the first things they see. The group painted a spectacular art deco design that really brought some life to the church campus. We had a wonderful week of hard work during the day and ministry activities in the evening.

Another big thank you to Missionary Ashley Lehr who led the team. This was the first team she received since starting her position back in 2019 (due to COVID).

This month we hosted our first in-person Foro since the beginning of the pandemic! In fact, our last Foro was on March 15th, 2020! We had a great time sharing about what happened here in the last two years and spending time in fellowship with those who pray and support the mission. 

This March, I (Christel), had the opportunity to visit the Dominican Republic for a deaconess gathering. Unfortunately, not all of the Latin America missionary deaconesses could be there, but the timing was very special. Three of the ladies will be heading out soon to their country of service. We also had the blessing of spending time with the Concordia Deaconess Conference president, Deac. Sarah Longmire. 

It was two and a half days full of fellowship, reunions and reflecting on how what God has done in His church and with His people. Often times as a Christian you don’t always get to see how the Holy Spirit moves in His people, or how He is working. But, sometimes you do, and what a privilege and gift that is. Those two days were just that and what joy it was and continues to be to serve.

Our Friday fellowship nights continue. Throughout Lent we have been focusing on cross-type crafts. The general goal is to give the group as many Christian symbols (this season, a cross for Lent) in their hands and to put in their homes to remind them of the love God has for them. 

Are you a Mission Sender? Mission Senders committ to praying and supporting missionaries on a monthly or quartely basis. Find out more here.

We are tremendously thankful for our Mission Senders. They give us the blessing of continous encourgament and financial support. 

  • Evangelism walks.
  • Thanksgiving for 1st in-person Foro in two years.
  • Daily activities in CARD (Mercy House).

Send James and Christel

Fuente de Vida

Fuente de Vida

Text LCMSNEUENDORF to 41-444