“For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love go God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
~ Romans 8:38-39
Anitah (far right), a Lutheran Church of Uganda office staffer, helps deliver food to people in need
Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread
As we continue to see the effects of COVID-19 throughout the world, we also witness those that are helping to support people in need. In Uganda, there have been various shut-downs and self-isolation initiatives, similar to other countries in the world. As a country that has experienced Ebola and HIV/AIDS epidemics, the country is very proactive with preventative measures.
The Ugandan government put actions into place to protect their people and limit the spread of the virus. Currently, only essential stores are open. Transportation, by public or private means, has been restricted. This effort, as well as a curfew, as limited the movement of everyone. Some of the challenges initially started in the urban and suburban parts of the country. A lot of people rely on daily income for their food needs. Because of either not being able to work, the price of food, or having more people home since schools are on a hiatus, there are challenges with being able to access food. Likewise, seminarians in the rural communities were not able to plant crops as they were at the seminary studying. Thus, there have been hardships for them as well in being able to access food and supplies.
We are grateful for the response of the Lutheran Church of Uganda (LCU) as they share the love of Christ and help with daily needs. Along with their ministry partners, they have worked diligently to assess the challenges with the Lutheran schools, their congregations, and communities. Each deanery (district) has unique situations, so the LCU coordinates those needs through the local leadership. We are thankful that God continues to provide for his people through the hands of the Lutheran Church of Uganda. We praise God that in the midst of challenges, He meets our daily needs. Please pray for those in Uganda who are serving in Jesus’ name and also those receiving care and provision.
Easter greetings from the Manteys!
During the past month, we continue to do the work the Lord has called us to do. Primarily we now work from home, but are grateful to continue interacting with leaders of the Lutheran Church of Uganda, seminary students, and colleagues throughout East Africa.
Our Easter was spent with the opportunity to participate in worship with the LCU via the radio and our East Africa missionary team, led by colleagues in Ethiopia over the internet. Our neighbors were able to join us for worship and a meal afterwards. It was great to worship our risen Lord together with colleagues throughout parts of Uganda, Kenya, Ethiopia and Tanzania. We praise God for these opportunities.
Missionary Care Team
Over the past several years, Megan has been working with the East Africa Area Director to build on foundations for care ministries for the East Africa missionary team. Living overseas oftentimes presents unique challenges and opportunities for missionaries and their families, and it is crucial to provide support, encouragement, and resources.
Megan’s part of a regional Missionary Care team of four people who get to provide care and caring opportunities for the missionary families throughout East Africa. The team has been planning and developing for some time, but they are now serving the East Africa team at large. The team will focus on providing care in a Stephen Ministry format, have the ability to give one on one counseling as needed, and serve as resources for promoting spiritual and emotional wellness. Megan is thrilled to utilize her counseling background for this needed ministry. Please pray for the Missionary Care Team in East Africa and for their fellow missionaries as they serve and care for one another.
Please Pray for:
- Health and safety as we serve
- Health, safety and healing for God’s people around the world
- The many caretakers and providers throughout the world
- The LCU as they minister and help provide for people’s needs during the time of COVID-19
- Missionary Care ministry in East Africa
Give thanks for:
- God’s continued provision and care for all who are struggling during this time
- Finding ways and opportunities to connect with students in villages, co-workers throughout East Africa, and supporters in the United States
- The LCU pastors and seminarians as they share the Gospel and minister to His people throughout Uganda through radio programming, phone calls and limited visitations
Joyfully Serving Jesus, Mark & Megan
To support the LCMS through the work of Mark and Megan Mantey, you may send a tax-deductible gift to:
The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod P.O. Box 66861 St. Louis, MO 63166-6861
Misson Central 40718 Highway E-16 Mapleton, IA 51034
Gifts can also be given securely online at https://www.lcms.org/givenow/mantey and https://missioncentral.us/mantey/