
Mahlburg_Sri Lanka_Jun2020


“We hear them telling in our own tongues the mighty works of God.” Acts 2:11

What a blessing to bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ to people of all languages. Even in these pandemic days, we have a message the world needs to hear. While we pray for a vaccine and an end to the pandemic, we know the world suffers from a worse disease. The Good News is that there is already a cure.

Thank you for your continued partnership in God’s mission work in Sri Lanka. Your prayers and financial gifts allow to remain in Sri Lanka to serve the Lord. Please check out our latest newsletter.

In the name of our resurrection Savior, Jesus,

p.s. The picture was taken last December in the mountains. I long to get back to this beautiful area in order to encourage and support our church partner in their mission to spread the Gospel.

Mission Central







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