Over the years the time has gone so quickly. We have so, so, so many wonderful friends that the Lord has allowed us the privilege of working with and have become “just like part of our real family” here at the Lord’s Mission Central!
One of the reasons that Old Missionary Gary can keep on going and going each day is because the Lord sends dear and special friends like John and Debbie Ribando from LeMars, Iowa! This family has truly been such a blessing and encouragement over the last 35 years! John and Gary served on the Board of Directors of Western Iowa Community College in Sioux City, Iowa so many, many years ago, and their friendship has continued. John and Debbie traveled to Asia together with Gary and a group many years ago also.
What a JOY to meet with John on February 18th, 2022 at our office here at Mission Central to recount the so, so many memories we have had together over the years. John and Debbie will always have a special place in our hearts, and rest assured old Missionary Gary could not have kept on all these 28 years without the Lord sending friends like the Ribando Family, pictured in our office with our Boss in the background.