Iowa District West Board meets at Mission Central
What a blessing to have the privilege of hosting the Board of Directors meeting of the Iowa District West on May 17th, 2018. It was a special day that featured the attendance of nearly all of the board members, and the total was 22 for the day!
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Stan Ullerich and President Rev. Dr. Steven Turner was present. The Honorable District Treasurer, Scott Ernst gave a report, and what a blessing to have all of these leaders present. Missionary Gary was able to give his annual report to the board, and after the board met in the morning, they were treated to a very special meal provided to the board at no cost, by our Volunteer Cooking Staff. After the meal the final business for the day was completed, and then entire group was able to attend our new Creation Theater presentation.
Here in these pictures you can see the board in action and it was a day that many will long, long remember. It was such an encouragement to have them here for a day.