
Halter News

Dear Friends,
Even in the midst of COVID-19, I still have so many exciting ministries to share with you, that it is hard to know where to start.  This time I would like to tell you about a Christian lady whom I mentor.  Her name is Angela Anita Wong and she has recently held her second solo art exhibition which featured 24 of her paintings.  Fourteen originals and ten prints of these paintings were sold.  The largest painting was over 9 x 9 ft. and filled up the whole wall.  It is an abstract painting of her life and is called, “Journey with My Father.”  A print of it (3 x 3 ft.) was sold for HK $35,000 (US $4,516).  You can see it in the center of the picture below.

In holding this exhibition, Angela had three goals:

  1. To hold an art exhibit in honor and memory of her father
  2. To witness to many non-Christians who came to see her paintings
  3. To raise money to help seven charitable organizations from the selling of   these art works

The art exhibit of Angela’s paintings was held for two weeks.  On two Saturdays, she had opening receptions.  One was in English and one was in Chinese (Cantonese).  A total of more than 100 people attended these two receptions.  The purpose was to share the message of salvation.  At each meeting she had a group of nine Christians speak before she gave an explanation about her paintings.  (In case you can’t recognize me with my mask on, I’m the third from the right in the above  picture of the speakers at the ribbon cutting ceremony).

As an additional witness, Angela provided little testimony cards with individually wrapped cookies so those attending would have a special memento to take home and read.  (See the picture below).

She had many touching experiences during the two weeks.  One lady brought her father to see the exhibit so that he could hear more about Christ.  As Angela was speaking, the senior citizen just kept looking all around almost ignoring her.  She did feel ignored, but continued to use her paintings to tell him more about God’s love.  Just as she was finishing, he asked if there was a chair where he could sit down.  He said he was tired and wanted to cry since he was so overwhelmed by her testimony.

Yes, Angela’s goals were accomplished.  Her father was honored as Angela explained the paintings in memory of him again and again.  Throughout the two weeks, Angela was present and testified individually to the grace of God to over fifty people as she explained her paintings.  Three non-Christians said that they now believe.  As a result of the sale of her paintings, HK $128,300 (US $16,555) was given to seven charitable organizations.

Angela is one of the precious ladies whom I get to mentor.  She readily testifies that she is growing in the fruit of the spirit—especially patience, gentleness, and self-control.  Usually she speaks on the phone for over an hour or more.  I listen carefully and then I speak for a short time sharing various Bible verses with her.  Invariably after a few minutes she declares, “I got it.”  She is growing by leaps and bounds and next year hopes to have a solo painting exhibition about families.   (The first solo  exhibition she had was in memory of her mother and this one was in memory of her father).  She is happy that I am sharing her testimony with you.  What a joy it is to be involved in this ministry!  Do pray for the people who came to this beautiful exhibition that they will all come to know the Lord Jesus Christ.

May God be with you in the midst of this COVID-19 and surround you with His comforting presence and love.

With prayer for you,

Here is a picture of my beloved sister June having her daily morning devotions.  This was her favorite part of the day.  She had been residing in an assisted living care facility in Glenwood Springs, CO. for about a year.  Recently her children were informed that she had tested positive for COVID-19, and so immediately they brought her home.  One week later, she went to her Heavenly home.  Do pray for her family that God will comfort them and keep them in His loving care.

To support the LCMS through the work of Carol Halter, you may send a tax-deductible gift to:       
Mission Central                          The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod                     

40718 Highway E 16       or        P.O. Box 66861                                              

Mapleton, IA 51034                    St. Louis, MO 63166-6861            

Make checks payable to “The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod” or “LCMS.”   Include “Halter-Hong Kong” in the memo line.  Gifts can also be given securely online through the LCMS website at

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