Geneva, Nebraska couple comes to Mission Central
A number of years ago Old Missionary Gary had the honor and privilege of meeting some very, very, very NOT NORMAL people from Geneva, Nebraska. They were introduced to our work by one of our best missionaries, and now a staff member of Mission Central, former foreign Missionary who served the Lord Jesus in Africa, Indonesia and Papua New Guinea…the Honorable Missionary Donna Meyer from Davenport, Nebraska! Donna introduced us to her cousins.
Yes, when I first met Richard and Joyce Baines….I knew IMMEDIATELY THAT THEY WERE NOT NORMAL. They were in the world but, NOT of the world. They understood what we are doing here on earth. Their understanding turned into ACTION! They wanted to do something for Jesus here at HIS Mission Central.
Richard is one of these guys that can fix anything and do anything, and is an excellent “all around fix it guy”. They called and said, “Gary, can we come and help…and Joyce can help with filing and work in the office, and Richard will do all the things that need to be done…painting, carpentry work, electrical work, odd jobs that you don’t have time to do!”
What a blessing to welcome them and they brought their motor home and worked from Monday until Friday….working like “slaves”…with all the odd jobs that needed to be repaired, fixed and painted here at the Lord’s Mission Central. Richard repaired doors, put in lights, painted signs and mail boxes, repaired bathrooms, put up close hangers just to name a few…and Joyce worked like a slave on her knees filing a collection of items that had accumulated for over 15 years!!! What a blessing to get these things done! What a great feeling to know that God sent these dear friends at “just the right time”…
Those words of Eph. 2:10, were so right on target….that God sent these folks for the work that HE had prepared in advance for them to do. Here you see these special missionaries in front of our Boss here at HIS Mission Central. Thank you so, so, so much for your help, Rich and Joyce……