
A Blessed 2022 to You!

The Ferry Family sends you greetings today as 2021 gives way to 2022. This past year was full of twists and turns, keeping us on our toes. At the same time, we have a sure and certain hope: we know that we belong to Jesus, who has won the ultimate victory and given it to us as a gift in our baptism. This is the message we take forth into our vocations, no matter if the Lord has placed us in the USA, Asia, or somewhere else.
We were hit with COVID-19 over Christmas, which knocked out so much of the time we had planned with extended family. But we’re thankful for every minute we have, and we’re finally on the mend now after two weeks of ups and downs.

We are in the USA for just a few more weeks as we finish up doctor and dentist appointments, but plans are set to return to Asia at the end of January. We will face several weeks of mandatory qurantine, which will even separate the family from each other. But once that’s done, we are excited to reset our home and get back to “Normal” life in southern Taiwan.

God bless all of you who have welcomed us, hosted us, and prayed for us during this time back in America, just as the Kletke family did (pictured above). Our kids have incredible memories, which they will take with them into 2022 and back to Taiwan. We are looking forward to wonderful things through the Lord’s grace and mercy as this new year begins.

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