Spotlight: Missions
 A ladies group is forming in Licey! Having met twice now, the women of Cordero de Dios plan to gather monthly for fun, fellowship, snacks, crafts, activities. They’ll also study a different biblical woman at each meeting; thus far they’ve taken a deep dive into the lives of Mary & Martha and Eve. They’ll regroup on December 21. Please pray for this fledgling ministry, especially for those involved in planning!
Spotlight: Education
 O, Christmas tree! Both Concordia Lutheran Schools (Licey and Palmar Arriba) have decked their halls and held official tree inauguration ceremonies. Christmas trees go beyond the aesthetic to help reinforce the true message of the Christmas season in students’ minds. Their triangular shape is reminiscent of our Triune God, and their green boughs hearken back to the new life we have in Christ, whose coming as a babe in Bethlehem we prepare to celebrate in a few weeks.
Spotlight: Mercy
This fall, HLBP hosted a mercy seminar and developmental disabilities awareness training for the students of Concordia the Reformer Seminary. Students learned about our group home and disability mercy ministry and participated in activities that simulated different disabilities. Afterward, they spent time getting to know the kids in our home through games and sharing. Now, they’re all great friends! It was a great start to the seminary experience.
Spotlight: Daily Life
 Our ranks are growing! Whilst Associate Regional Business Manager Cindy Pine continues settling in to her role and, now, permanent housing, three new faces joined her for on-field orientation, a post-deployment time of transition to life and work in one’s new environs: Kate Phillips (Deaconess Intern, DR), Stephanie Wilde (Deaconess Intern. PR), and Courtney Zalmanoff (Assistant Volunteer Coordinator, Regional Team). In addition to studying Spanish, the ladies benefited from presentations on such topics as safety and money management, enjoyed a week-long retreat in the mountain oasis of Jarabacoa, and have been exploring all that the city has to offer by way of church and community home visits, cultural outings, and cooking classes. Phillips and Zalmanoff will make their home here in Santiago; Wilde will join the Puerto Rico team soon. Please pray for each of them as they adjust to missionary life and spend the holidays far from family and friends.
Also happening in the DR:
- December 15, 2019: Concordia Lutheran School, Palmar Arriba – Christmas program
- January 12-20: Short-Term Team, Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, MO
- January 30-February 3: Short-term Team, Lord of Life Lutheran Church, Plano, TX
- March 21-28: Short-term Team, Divine Savior Lutheran Church, Hartford, WI
- April 3: Concordia Lutheran School, Palmar Arriba – Palm Sunday processional
- May 26-29: CMSCR Theological Symposium
- May 29: CMSCR graduation ceremony
- June 6-13: Assembled Short-term Team, NYG Young Adult Volunteer alumni
- June 7: Concordia Lutheran Schools closing service
- July 25 – August 1: Short-term Team, South Wisconsin District
- August 3-8: Short-term Team (Regional Conference Childcare), Congregational or Assembled
- October 3-10: Short-term Team, Morning Star Lutheran Church, Lakeside, CA