Unsurprisingly, the months of May and June brought about so many changes. Carter finished 5th grade, we got rid of nearly all that we owned, we left our home in Nebraska of 2 ½ years, and Quintin received his Doctor of Ministry degree from Concordia Theological Seminary in Fort Wayne, Indiana. All of this occurred in a span of 2 weeks.
Since then, we have been able to connect (or reconnect!) via mission presentations at: St. Paul in Evansville, Indiana; Trinity in Des Moines, Iowa; Immanuel in Pomeroy, Iowa; Holy Trinity in Farnhamville, Iowa; Good Shepherd in Fort Dodge, Iowa; Pilgrim Lutheran in Lake City, Iowa; Holy Cross in Shelbyville, Illinois; Beautiful Savior in Reedsport, Oregon; Redeemer in Gresham, Oregon; Christ Lutheran in Coos Bay, Oregon; and St. James in Myrtle Point, Oregon.
Another significant event in May was Open Door Day for Luther Academy in Riga, Latvia. It was a chance for potential new students to learn about the seminary program with a worship service, short lecture, and time for questions and answers. Quintin worked with a new student who had left the church for a number of years due to the inconsistent and bad teaching present in the church of which he was part. This student has since connected with historic Lutheran theology. Success – this new student did indeed register for classes this fall!
We are pleased to continue this part of our missionary service – telling so many people around our country about the incredible things God is doing in Latvia.
We are also excited to announce that we have officially received word that we will be deploying to Latvia on August 15th!
Please keep us all in your prayers as we continue to traverse the nation to gather support and continue connecting with people like YOU! We praise God that YOU are helping to further this cause in Latvia with your prayers and support!
You can follow our Facebook page “The Cundiffs in Latvia” for presentation dates and more stories of our travels.
On May 20, 2022, Quintin received his Doctor of Ministry degree from Concordia Theological Seminary – Fort Wayne.
Sweaty from conquering the task of selling and moving!
Giving it up to give it all
Over the past months, we have heard from people across the Midwest that they could never do what we’re doing: sell (almost) all they own and move to another country. And, well, that’s fair.
Our response is always the same: God is calling us to do this, and we’re trusting in Him to care for us. We do have some mementos and irreplaceable items stashed in the United States while we’re in Latvia. We have pared down to a total of 10 suitcases, 3 backpacks, 3 carry-ons, and our two dogs. That’s it.
For the time being, we have turned our attention to presenting this mission to congregations across the States. In May, we were invited to Iowa and Indiana. In June, we were slated to visit Illinois, Oregon, and Idaho in person, with a virtual presentation for a Lutheran Laymen’s League gathering in Colorado.
Through this journey, we are making the time to stop and see the beauty the Lord has given to us through nature. The trip in June from Illinois to Oregon (all within one week!) was incredible. Lindsay LOVES seeing mountains! We are excited to be able to reconnect with those people and congregations that we served in Oregon and New Mexico. We have also been thrilled to meet new people and congregations, though, throughout the country that have a love for missions and spreading the Gospel.
A HUGE thank you to all of you for your support!
The ministries that have received us in friendship.
The Ukrainian refugees in exile in Latvia that we hope to befriend and serve.
Luther Academy, as we prepare for a new academic year.
Those people and congregations supporting all missions throughout the world – they are vital to their success!
Safe travels thus far for the Cundiff family!
Our definite departure date!
The seminarian called to serve at Trinity Lutheran Church in Amherst, Nebraska.
The many congregations and individuals who pray for, encourage, and support us.
Choosing the Cundiffs to be part of this mission!
Carter’s Corner
As we have been traveling, I have been really excited to go to Latvia. In the van, I like to read, talk, play with toys, play video games, and listen to audiobooks. I’m excited about the new food, buildings, and people in Latvia!
Thank you for your support, everyone!
– Carter (age 11)
Older than King Tut
Behind the Riga Town Hall building is a semi-fossilized oak log found during the excavation of the site nearby.
The plaque next to the tree reads: “OAK TRUNK: Found during excavation work for Riga new Town Hall. It grew on the shore of Daugava 3500 years ago, at about the time when Pharaoh Tutankhamen was the ruler of Egypt.”
This preserved log is OLDER than King Tut himself. For reference, this was about 300 years BEFORE King David!
Prayerfully consider partnering with the LCMS to support the work of Quintin Cundiff and his family. Make checks payable to:
The Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod
PO Box 66861
St. Louis, MO 63166-6861
Mission Central
40718 Highway E 16
Mapleton, IA 51034