
Computer goes to Africa


November the 10th of really a special day here at the Lord’s Mission Central…..YES, YES, we won’t forget how the Lord provides real MIRACLES!!!

One of our special NOT NORMAL volunteers, Missionary Ron Maurer and his wife Nancy came to Mission Central and delivered a near new LAP TOP COMPUTER!!!  They wanted it to go to a missionary, who really needed a lap top….and ANOTHER MIRACLE HAPPENED!

Yes, Missionaries Shara Osiro and her dear husband Michael came to Mission Central on November the 10th and were in need of a “laptop” computer in East Africa!  Wow, and we had one here, and here you see how the Lord works again!

Old Missionary Gary was able to present to Shara and Michael this wonderful computer to go all the way to East Africa for use for the Lord’s work!  And, it came at “just the right time”.

IT’S ANOTHER REAL “MIRACLE” that happened at “just the right time”.  What a JOY to see how the Lord called Ron and Nancy to provide for HIS work when it was needed so desperately!!!  Here you see Old Missionary Gary presenting the gift to Shara and Michael!!!!!!