
Clarinda school arrives for day trip!


When a school comes for a Mission Trip to Mission Central…what really does take place? Well the students from Clarinda Lutheran School came on November 8th, 2019 and each one of the students found out what does take place here at this MIRACLE PLACE!

Each student found out that if you don’t believe in Genesis 1:1, “you don’t believe in God”. They also will always remember the last words of Jesus as he was ascending into heaven…Mark 16:15: “Go into ALL the world”….and each one of the students found out that when they left Mission Central they are truly missionaries for the rest of their lives…and THEY can tell people about Jesus as long as they live!

The students really, really appreciated the Lord’s Creation Theater, and the Barn Museum. They also had a special presentation for them of Rev. Carl Hanson and his family in Korea in the Ministry Center. This wonderful group of missionaries also brought a special gift of love from their offerings for Rev. Hanson and his family.

Here you see a collection of photos of the group as they moved about here at the Lord’s Mission Central.