Charles and Deborah St-Onge – Latin America May 2018 Update
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It has mostly been a quiet spring month here in Montreal. We extended our winter English classes by two more months due to popular demand! We are continuing to offer a warm welcome to many new, young immigrants to Quebec from around the world (Venezuela, Paraguay, Brazil, Mexico, Sri Lanka, Indonesia and China at last count.) We pray the Lord’s Prayer at the beginning of each class, and some students are reading through the Small Catechism as well.
As you can read in the Mission Moment, we celebrated the confirmation of two young men on Holy Trinity Sunday. One other young man is planning to start instruction in the summer. His parents have been coming to worship as well.
On May 10 I joined a dozen Lutherans in Ottawa to walk in our national March for Life around the streets of the capital. Although the majority of walkers were Catholic, there were not a few Evangelicals and Anglicans alongside us!
At the end of the month Olivia joined me at Bethel, Kitchener where I was the inaugural speaker of the 1st annual Forging Armour apologetics conference. You can hear, and soon watch, my talks at
I made one trip to the Caribbean in May at the end of the month. The Executive Director of Disaster Response Rev. Dr. Ross Johnson, our Regional Director Rev. Ted Krey, our business manager Blake Warren and I had a meeting with our team to plan out the next steps in our disaster response. In addition to the relief supplies being distributed we will also be helping with some much-needed roof reconstruction. I continue to chair a weekly conference call for our growing Puerto Rican team, which will soon include Rev. Anthony and Jamie DiLiberto and their children.