Bobby (Latvia) October 2024 Newsletter Available for Download
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
I wish to begin by apologizing for the long interval since my last newsletter. I offer no excuses; only my pledge to get back on track now that school is back in session.
And speaking of school, students and faculty at Luther Academy (me included) are off and running! This year we have 10 new students which means we have a total of 26 students from 16 countries. This is very, very exciting. These future pastors are bright, thoughtful, and faithful. They love Jesus and whole heartedly desire to proclaim Christ to their people.
I am continually amazed at our Lord’s gracious provision in allowing this mission to continue to flourish. I say that because I know the devil has much to fear from this endeavor. Every potential pastor in a congregation will be a shepherd who will draw others around God’s grace and forgiveness (given us in Word and Sacrament).Every potential pastor in a congregation will result in, by God’s grace, a community of believers who pray for one another, who share the gospel with their neighbors and family, and who grow and mature together. The devil would like nothing more than to stop Luther Academy and the work God is doing here, yet we know Christ’s promise that He will be with us to the end of the age. Nevertheless, Erica, the boys, and I, along with all our teachers and students, are so grateful for your prayers and support. Challenges abound as we missionaries try to navigate issues ranging from visas to finding adequate medical care. Our students are continually beset with obstacles arising from their competing obligations as fathers, husbands, workers, and students. The devil loves to exploit these challenges to sow seeds of doubt, worry, and fear. Thus, we constantly rely on God’s grace. So, please know your prayers for us are not in vain! They make all the difference!
Rev. Samuel Bobby
Theological Educator
Eurasia Region
Cell: +371 25740615
WhatsApp: +16054155578