Ben Helge from the Czech Republic comes to Mission Central
What an amazing blessing to have the honor and privilege of working with missionaries like Veteran Missionary Ben Helge from the Czech Republic.
Ben and two of his Czech friends came to report at Mission Central on September 22nd, 2018, as a part of the wonderful Fall LWML Rally for the Iowa District West.
Yes, Ben and his two Czech friends gave one of the most outstanding presentations. It just held every member of the 170 LWML ladies absolutely SPELL BOUND! Ben’s friends told of how the Lord Jesus called them out of darkness “into HIS marvelous light”.
Here you see Missionary Ben, and also his two friends in front of our Boss here at the Lord’s Mission Central. You will see how the Lord sent 3 special pastors to be with the group to pray for Ben and his friends as we sent them back to the Czech Republic to tell people about Jesus, as only about 18% of the people in this dark country even believe there is a God! It was indeed one of the BEST programs we have had at the Lord’s Mission Central!!!