It was one of those special days that we will long, long, remember. God blessed us here at the Lord’s Mission Central on Saturday the 25th of June in such a special way!
We were so honored to have a group of VERY NOT NORMAL PEOPLE come to hear a first hand, live report from the Honorable Missionaries all the way from Korea….Matt, DeeDee and Olivia Wasmund!
People even came all the way from Texas, Nebraska, Iowa and other parts of the mid-west! The day began with such a wonderful tour that included the Ministry Center, the Lord’s Creation Theater and the Barn Museum.
Then our dear Volunteer Cooks, Don and Peggy Wunchel from Ida Grove, Iowa came and prepared a wonderful meal for us, and after the Meal the Wasmund family presented their story from their work in Seoul Korea and contacts in Taiwan.
What a blessing and JOY to hear this first hand report from our dear Missionary Family…and we had the privilege and honor of praying for and sending this special family…..! Here in the pictures you will see Matt Wasmund Presenting and what a blessing to have Rev. John Heckman from Texas and Rev. John Riebhoff from St. John in Correctionville, Iowa come to have a special prayer to SEND this dear family back to their calling in Korea, Matt, DeeDee and Olivia! It was indeed a day we WON’T EVER FORGET!