
3 Devotions based on next Sunday’s (10th after Pentecost) Scripture Readings

10th Sunday After Pentecost-Old Testament

TEXT: Job 38:4-18

TITLE: Mr. Know-it-all


                                     “Tell me if you think you know all this.” Job 38:18b


There was a segment from the old Rocky and Bulwinkle tv show entitled, “Mr. Know-it-all.” Bulwinkle donned a hat, tux, and cane and gave pearls of wisdom regarding such things as how to catch a bee or sneak into a movie without buying a ticket. There is also a Mr. Know-it-all song. The following is an excerpt:

                                      “They call me Mr. Know-it-all; I have no time to waste;

                                        My mouth it spews pure intellect, And I’ve such elegant taste.

                                        They call me Mr. Know-it-all, I am so elegant;

                                        And whatever…rhymes with elegant!”


Job could not understand his suffering. He believed God brought about his suffering and it was unjust. Mr. Know-it-all! But he didn’t know it all nor do we! We may question God with things such as the suffering of innocent children. Or, things like the rich continually getting richer and the poor, poorer. Or, things such as hunger, homelessness, orphans? God knows, and like Job, we need to recognize that He is God and we’re not. Plus, His ways are higher than our ways. Yet, we’re Godly Mr. Know-it-all’s when by faith, we believe in Jesus and trust in His Word and love; particularly when it comes to times and things we just can’t understand. Thus, we let go to Him who is the uncreated, Holy, Almighty and ultimate Mr. Know-it-all…God.  


Dear Heavenly Father, continue to help us ‘know all things’ through Your Spirit, in Jesus Name, Amen.      


10th Sunday After Pentecost-Epistle

TEXT: Romans 10:5-17

TITLE: “It’s Too Easy”


“(that is, to bring Christ down)…(that is, to bring Christ up from the dead)” Rom.10:6-7


“It’s too easy!” That’s a common thought of both believer and unbeliever when they consider God’s means of grace and our salvation. RCH Lenski says, “God’s righteousness calls out to us, not to ask with discouraging hearts who will ascend up to heaven as though righteousness had not yet been purchased and won for us by Christ.” We have it now, and it’s in His Word! He goes on to say, “The parenthesis pertains only to the use made of the question by Paul, (“Who will ascend to heaven?”) which is to show that Christ and His righteousness are and ever have been in the Word.”


We don’t need to ascend to heaven to hear Christ either. We have Him in His Word. Paul, who did ascend to (the 3rd) heaven, hence he speaks as one who’s been there. In the second parenthesis, Paul refers to the completion of Christ’s mission by His resurrection.

We needn’t look any farther than our Bible for we have our salvation in God’s Word. Jesus said, “I am the logos (the Word).” From “In the beginning,” to when “the Word became flesh and dwelt among us,” to ‘these last days,’ Jesus is with us. True, His grace it is too easy.  But thanks be to God it’s ours! 


Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for Your Word which like You, is life to us, in Jesus Name, Amen.


10th Sunday after Pentecost-Gospel

TEXT: Matthew 14:22-33

TITLE: God’s Ever Present Helping Hand


Lord, if it is you,” Peter replied, “tell me to come to you on the water.” Matt.14:28


What a fascinating story! I’m reminded by Peter’s question-“Lord, if it’s you, etc?” to that of Satan’s question of temptation to Jesus, “If you’re the Son of God?” followed by his request for Jesus to do a miracle. One question coming from a faithless tempter, the other from a faith-filled friend! Both questions directed toward the Lord, God’s Son! We know which question he answered and He did so with a miracle.   


This story always focuses on Peter and his faith and rightfully so. However, what about the faith of the others in the boat! I wonder if Jesus had done the calling and called us, would we have stepped out. When we think of it, we’re often called to step out in faith. Like Peter, we do so believing our Lord is before us. However, there may also be times when the wind and waves of our trial seem so great we begin to wonder, fear, and cry for help. “Lo, I’m with you always” is Jesus promise. “Why did we doubt? Like Peter, we’re weak sinners. Yet, as believers we’re forgiven, gifted with faith, and live under His grace. We can step out trusting in God’s love and presence in our lives.


Dear Heavenly Father, grant me courage and trust that in all my life’s circumstances, I know You’ll be there for me, in Jesus Name, Amen.