What a blessing to see that “at just the right time” the Lord will send a group of NOT NORMAL people to come and help with a HUGE job here at the Lord’s Mission Central!
YES, on Saturday the 26th of March, the Lord sent special friends from Our Savior Lutheran Church at Denison, Iowa, and our volunteer Wayne Kafton from Mapleton, Iowa to come and help clean up the horrible mess of sticks, twigs, and limbs from the winter damage and huge loads were raked and hauled away. It was a tough job, but these helpers all came and did such a wonderful job.
Here you see these special helpers, and what a JOY to see how the Lord provides helpers that were needed so desperately. What a great job these dear friends did and perhaps you recognize some of them. The yard at Mission Central is totally changed and restored. We thank God for friends that are willing to help!